Monday, 18 April 2011

Script Frenzy motivation lag...

It turns out it's harder to keep up with a month-long project like Nano or Script Frenzy when every single person you now isn't involved too. Nano peer pressure is something quite real to me, as most of my friends, all of my flatmates, and my significant other are all doing it too. Script Frenzy is an entirely different matter. Most of the friends we managed to convince to give Screnzy a try last year have chosen not to renew the experience, and I'm now the only Script Frenzy ML for London.

My being ML is probably most of why I haven't given up, although it's not as good or enjoyable a motivation as having house write-ins. I now have to write 6 pages a day to finish in time, although with the massive headache I have right now, I doubt I'll be apt to doing that tonight.

This post is probably not worded as nicely or coherently as my usual. That would be because I'm writing from the Southbank Centre (Million Monkeys!), where very loud and unpleasant would-be-smart music is playing. The fact that some sort of obnoxious fashion show is playing has obviously become my newest procrastination alibi. Back to writing now! I have to add to these measly 21 pages.

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